Stock control

Allows you to quickly get a stock valuation, observe how a particular item is moving and integrate, or integrate the stock and pricing data with an accounting system, so they work as a whole.

SOLIS manages the complete administration of product stocks, actualization and real-time access to data concerning warehouses, lots, quantities, expiration date, etc. and also automatical generation and management of all stock-modifying documents.

This administration module offers you various  functionalities such as:

  • Quantitative administration of product stocks: you will be able to structure the products amounts, by creating multi-warehouses and lots.
  • Stock flow management: through warehouse register cards – for quickly find and edit documents that moved around a certain product, as sequel of on order, reservation, proceeding, etc.)
  • Transfer of goods, by generating and administrate the specific documents: Order bills – for external shippings; Proceedings – for internal movements of goods; NIR – for registering new products; Transfer approval – for internal transfers, either.
  • Expiration date tracking: bookkeeping of the valability period for your products, and automatically filling in papers according to the “first in, first out” principle.
  • Real-time access to your stock situation, via internet, on all type of mobile device.

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